Piet Hein

1905 – 1996

Piet Hein

The most beautiful geometric shape of the rectangle and ellipse? It was the task that Piet Hein put himself in a job for Stockholm's city government, and it resulted in a beautiful place called "Sergels Torg" with super ellipse shape. The park was completed in 1959. In cooperation with the Swedish designer, Bruno Mathsson, he later used the shape for the Superellipse Table Series which Fritz Hansen put in production in 1968.


The rational idealist. Piet Hein was neither an architect nor a furniture designer - but a philosopher, poet, mathematician etc. 

Piet Hein had many talents and he is known and loved for many of them, but central to his output is the table with super ellipse shape, as generations of families and friends have gathered around in the almost 40 years since it was produced first time.